Anusol plus Suppositories relieve the burning sensation swelling itching and pain due to internal hemorrhoids. These suppositories contain a topical anaesthetic along with an emollient and an astringent agent to help relieve discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.
For fast long-lasting relief of the pain and discomfort of internal hemorrhoids use Anusol plus Suppositories. The formula contains an emollient agent to ease the burning sensation and a gentle astringent agent to help reduce swelling of hemorrhoidal tissue so your hemorrhoids have a better chance to heal. The plus in Anusol plus is a topical anesthetic that helps numb pain almost as soon as you apply it and also relieves the itch that so often accompanies hemorrhoids. Anusol plus Suppositories come in packages of 12 or 24 suppositories and is for internal use only.””